For those of you who don’t know, Dave, Lisa’s husband, is
being reassigned to Twenty-nine Palms, California so Lisa is in the process of
moving the entire household from here to there over the next month. Ann kept
Lisa busy by going to various stores in the area. Ann got a lot of errands done
including going to the commissary to re-provision, going to Target, the Class
VI store, Lowes, and some Nail Salon to get her nails done. In addition, Ann
and Lisa had several lunches together. I’ll
let Ann pick up this story in her Notes Section.
You may remember that Dave and Lisa have decided that they want
to buy a Nordhaven and cross the Atlantic. I wanted to give Dave some training
for the day when he owned his own boat, so I let him do some projects on Traveling Soul. I know, I know you are
all thinking how kind it was of me to let him work on the boat. Well, of course
it was, but you all know me; that is just the type of guy that I am. Anyway,
the first project Dave got to work on was fixing our 12-volt DC panel. Over
time, the previous owner had made a number of additions and deletions to the
electrical systems on the boat, so there was neither rhyme nor reason to manner
in which the panel was set up. I wanted to be able to look at the panel and
tell at a glance that all of the navigational instruments were on and that we
were ready to go. I know it doesn’t sound too important, but when you have
forgotten to turn on the radar or the horn or the searchlight because they are
in odd places in the box, you realize that it is more important than it sounds.
Anyway, Dave rearranged the switches so they now make sense.![]() |
Dave working on the TV antenna. |
Actually I also completed a project – with just little help from Dave. On a boat, when you take a shower, you have to have a way to pump your used water overboard, hence the need for a shower sump and sump pump. One of our shower sump pumps broke and required replacement. I replaced both the pump and the water-level switch it needs. Although we needed to do both of those things, when the pump broke it also blew a fuse. It took me a while to figure that out, and when I did, I needed Dave’s help. Remember the day before when he had spent most of his time behind the DC electrical box? Well, he remembered having seen some fuses – one of which, luckily, had a replacement fuse taped to it. And it was the sump pump fuse!! Ta da! Problem solved.
![]() |
Trent's Certificate for having participated in two soprts -- soccer and wrestling |
At the marina we met Shay and Elizabeth aboard Escape who are full time
cruisers aboard their 49-foot Defever CPMY – one of my favorite boats of all
time. Anyway, Shay had been a professional electrician before he retired and
has installed a number of new gizmos on his boat, the most significant of which
was four solar panels. He gave me a bunch of ideas – and even a few additional
skills – to use on our boat. The last night we were at the marina we also ran
into (figuratively, not literally) Miller
Time. We had met Teri and Scott in the Bahamas and again at Fernandina
Beach. Remember the Shrimp Parade? It seemed we couldn’t get away from one
another! They were leaving the next day so we only saw them for a few minutes,
but it goes to show that we live in a very small world.
The next day we, too, were off – or so we thought. I had
cranked up the boat to get over to the fuel dock were we needed to get some
diesel. After refueling, Ann was supposed to start the engines while I went to
pay for the fuel. She started the port engine without a hitch, then she started
… then she started … then she tried to start the starboard engine.
Oops! The starboard engine wouldn’t start. I putzed around with it a little but
could not get anything to work. The dockmaster came on board and seemed even
less knowledgeable than me. So, I asked Ann to go get Shay. Shay brought his
voltmeter, used it to test the circuits and knew right away that the switch the
transmission uses to tell the engine that it is in neutral – so it is okay to
go ahead and start – wasn’t working. We spent 20 minutes or so looking for the
switch before we found it. When we did, Shay made the darn thing work! (I am
hoping you know that means Shay spent 20 minutes looking and eventually finding
the switch, because I had no idea what he was talking about or what he was looking
for.) Anyway, Shay saved our touches and we were underway. (That’s supposed to
be read like “toosh,” as in butts, not “tutch” as in … well … clutch.)
We had thought about going outside, but Tropical Storm Alberto
was creating significant waves and winds in the ocean – seven to thirteen feet
20 miles out. We wouldn’t go out that far, but we decided it would be better to
put up with what the marine forecasters call “moderate chop” on the ICW than with
waves that would be several feet high. Needless to say we chose the ICW. We
found it kind of interesting that the North Carolina portion of the ICW is very
different from Georgia’s especially. North Carolina has the Pamlico and
Ablemarle Sounds which are 20-30 feet deep bodies of water that are wide open –
tens of miles wide in some instances. Therefore, it wasn’t necessary for me to
adopt the “ICW hunch,” where I am leaning over the depth meter and the chart plotter
while keeping my remaining eye on the day markers. It was nothing like that. In
fact, if you are not careful, you can get really bored on these wide open
sounds, so I played with the radar and the autopilot to keep myself awake. Much
better to be bored, however, than concerned with grounding!
We kind of liked the routine we had developed of anchoring one night and going to a marina the next, so the first night we anchored at Slade Creek, just off the Pungo River. (I know, the Pungo sounds like it is in deepest, darkest Africa. Nope, it was just deep, dark North Carolina.) There was another boat farther up the creek, and we thought about going to join them, but instead we decided to stay near the mouth of the creek where we had a lot of swing room. In the reviews I had read, some people said they couldn’t get into the anchorage because of all the crab pots. Well, there were a few, but it wasn’t bad at all. Moreover, out here in the middle of nowhere I turned on the TV and voila! It worked! We watched a little local news and then put on the next episode of West Wing.
When we awoke, the seas were calm and all was right with the
world. Again, we were off. The previous night we had looked in our guidebooks
and tried to find a marina a day’s travel – about 60 miles – north of Slade
Creek; there was nothing. The next marina the books listed was in Elizabeth
City, about 90 miles up the Waterway. We could do it, but it would be a very
long day. As soon as we got underway,
however, we got internet access through our Verizon Aircard and we checked on
Active Captain. We found the Alligator River Marina about 65 miles north. For
those of you boaters who don’t know about Active Captain, you need to join it.
It is free and as far as I am concerned, it is the best boating resource on the
web. I was a bit skeptical about its claims at first, primarily because you
have to be connected (by smartphone, by WiFi or by aircard) to use it – and not
everyplace we visit has that kind of connection (like Slade Creek). But if you can connect, you can learn about
marinas, anchorages, hazards and other things. In short, it is a great
On the way to the marina, I decided to crank the Detroit
Diesels up and let them run just a little bit – no, that doesn’t mean full
speed, I doubt I will ever crank them up top full speed. But it does mean like
1600 RPM, which is about 14 MPH. When I did so the engines really smoked.
Smoking diesels can sometimes be bad, but this time I figured it was good as
the engines were burning up some of the junk that built up in them from going so
slow for so long. I ran them like that for about 20 minutes until they stopped
smoking, then I slowed them down and putted along.Anyway, after we passed under the Alligator River Bridge we turned hard to port and saw what we figured was the marina. Now you have to imagine this. There is a regular old fashioned Shell Station with a restaurant/small gift shop attached. Behind the filling station, though, about twenty feet from the restaurant, is a long pier (200’?) for both docking and refueling. Opposite the long pier there are, maybe, twenty slips. And just so you know, as you are coming into the marina from the Alligator River, it looks like you are heading straight for the Shell Station to fill up the boat with the pumps up front. The day we were there, there were two boats in the slips and we were the only one on the long pier (because we were too big for the slips). It was certainly an … er … uh … interesting marina. And one to which we would return in a heartbeat.
The next day we had a decision to make. Just north of the
Alligator River the ICW splits in two. Route 1 goes up through Coinjock and is
a pretty easy journey. But Route 2 goes through (are you ready for it?) the Great
Dismal Swamp. I know, I know, you are asking how in Heaven’s name could
we not go through a place with a name like the Great Dismal Swamp. Well, you’re
right; we couldn’t in all conscience miss it. So, we went. Actually, it is kind
of a fun and interesting place. Here is your short history lesson about the
Great Dismal Swamp and the Great Dismal Swamp Canal:
There is archaeological evidence that 13,000 years ago, people lived in the swamp. In 1650, there were Native Americans in the Great Dismal Swamp, but white immigrants showed little interest. In 1665, William Drummond, the first governor of North Carolina, discovered the lake, which was subsequently named for him. In 1728, William Bird III, while leading a land survey to establish a boundary between the Virginia and North Carolina colonies, made many observations of the swamp, none of them favorable. In fact, he is credited with naming it the Dismal Swamp. In 1763, George Washington visited the area, and he and others founded the Dismal Swamp Company, a venture to drain the swamp and clear it for settlement. Later the company turned to the more profitable goal of timber harvesting.
The Dismal Swamp Canal was authorized by Virginia in 1787 and by North Carolina in 1790. Construction began in 1793 and was completed in 1805. The canal, and a railroad constructed through part of the swamp in 1830, permitted timber to be harvested. The canal deteriorated after the Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal was completed in 1858, but in 1929 the U. S. Government bought the Dismal Swamp Canal and began to improve it. It is now the oldest operating artificial waterway in the country. Like the Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal, it is part of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway.
At one point the Great Dismal Swamp was home to a settlement of escaped slaves. Its role in the history of slavery in the United States is reflected in Harriet Beecher Stowe's second novel, Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp.
The Visitor’s Center is very boater-friendly. Although it
closed at 5PM, the folks there have a single hose that we were invited to use
for water, a boater’s library that we were invited to use (at a boater’s
library, you leave any books with which you are finished and take any book
another boater has left behind), and restrooms that were opened all night. In
fact, this is one of the few places Ann and I have both bought T-Shirts. They
read, “I survived the Great Dismal Swamp.”
A very big snap of the Great Dismal Swamp Canal. We made it big because we are not going to go back there - ever. And we just wanted you all to get you fill of it like we did! |
Since we had to move at or near “idle speed” we knew we wouldn’t make the 10:30 AM lock opening, so we aimed at the 1:30 PM one. My Lord, we went slowly. We were traveling at somewhere around 4 – 5 MPH and still we got to the far end about 45 minutes early! Indeed, most of the way we followed a sailboat that has passed the Visitor Center just before we left. I kind of like following sailboats, especially ones with deep keels. If they are in the lead and their draft is deeper than mine and one of us is going to run aground, it ain’t gonna be me! Anyway, he was trying to make the same lock opening as we were and was going at the same speed as Traveling Soul.
We waited, trying to be motionless in the middle of the
channel. Eventually the bridge opened and we all locked through, this time by
moving down 8 feet. When we left the lock we were in Virginia and only about 10
miles from Norfolk and from ICW Mile Marker “0.” As luck would have it, there
was one more bridge for which we had to wait, and it was about a 50 minute wait.
Then, without much ado, we passed Mile Marker Zero and headed to the place
where we planned on anchoring – some of you might know the anchorage, it is
right next to Fort Monroe and the Old Point Comfort Marina. We celebrated our
completion of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway with steak, lobster and
Maker’s Mark (actually, I think Ann had a Dark and Stormy); it was great to
have finished the third leg of our boating adventure.
An aircraft carrier being repaired at Newport News. I sure wouldn't want the bill for those repairs!! |
We left Old Point Comfort about 7:30 bound for Deltaville,
which would be Traveling Soul’s home
for the next month. The boat needed a great deal of work (much of it deferred from
when we first bought her) and Deltaville has become a cruisers destination both
because of the quality of the work and the reasonable prices. Anyhow we hope
that is the case.
ANN'S NOTES: This is the rainbow we saw in the Albemarle Sound in North Carolina. We had been following a weather front off our stern seemed to be following us but never did catch up to us. I watched in amazement it how this rainbow changed before my eyes. I saw it add colored stripes and then fade away and then come back with two more. I could see where it started and ended from one point on land streching the beautiful ark across the water to the side of land. I must have watched the rainbow for a good half hour. Hey... if I can't have dolpins then I need some other type of magic to keep me busy.When I start talking about unicorns than you know I need some help :) Our trip in the Dismal Swamp was interesting and..S...L...O...W... I am glad we have done it and bought the t-shirt but I have no plans on doing it again. The canal in a strange way was beautiful..very green,lots of swamp sounds just like in the movies. Going into the locks was fun,to think that was a major improvement back in the day to move goods across the country, to me it was like a little time warp and a look back into our history. I was not that nervous about going in and out of the locks...I guess I did not know I was supposed to be nervous. As a line handler I hand or toss lines to anyone that will take them and looks like they know what they are doing. Pretty the water comes into the lock, you take up the slack on the line; as water goes out of the lock, you let slack go to the line.
The visit with Lisa, Dave, Nik, Trent and Maddy was wonderful. I enjoy my family so very much. Having two 16 year old teenagers, it is great watching them turn into young adults. Trent is 12 and he spent the night with us on the boat. The time will come when he is driving and has a girlfriend and staying with Grandpa and Grandma will come in second place. I understand the older ones and, like them, I would want to spend some time with my friends before moving to California. Lisa drove me all over creation with a smile on her face, well not so much when we had to go into Wal-Mart. She HATES that place...actually it was Michael and Dave that needed a cable for the tv that made us go into THAT PLACE. We had dinner together every night and we have not done that in a long time. It was wonderful to have them around me and just do normal family stuff. The packers will be at her house on Tuesday, and the movers will be there on Wednesday. The kids last half day of school is on the 7th and, after that, they will be a few hundred miles away from Cherry Point NC.
So to end this trip on the ICW we did celebrate with lobster tail that we bought in Marsh Harbour...and I am now rationing... and steak. It is just a small part of the dream that we talked about when we were still living in a HOUSE on LAND. I am learning that dreams do come true but you also have to let other things go in order for that dream to happen. Not a sermon...just a thought.
This is my last wildlife count for awhile...
26 May 2012 1 Canadian goose and two babies....FYI ...that is the only Canadian we saw since leaving the Bahamas :)
1 Turtle 3 turtles on a log 4 turtles on a log...I think turtles are social sun bathers
27 May 2012 1 snake in the water...looking for that on lone turtle for lunch
28 May 2012 and yes.....drum roll ....please.... 1 Dolphin in the Chesapeake
Blessings to all of you,
Traveling Soul....OUT
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