The Prequel
It was Friday, October 26 and there I was, navigating
through a particularly byzantine channel just off the ICW and slightly north of
Beaufort, North Carolina when I realized that we were on the wrong side of the
channel markers. I immediately tried to turn back into the channel, but before I
could get there, I heard the bump, the grind and the other unforgettable sounds
of the hull getting hung up on the earth; we were aground. I tried moving
backward, forward and all the other standard remedies. Nothing. I called the marina
and told them we would be a little late, then I called TowBoat US (kind of a
AAA for the boating crowd) and gave them our position and prepared to be
Little did I know, however, that that lovely my wife was on
Facebook telling everyone what had happened. I mean my god, she could have at
least waited until I made up a good excuse ... er … I mean until I
determined the exact cause of this unfortunate incident. As you know, the
National Transportation Safety Board can take years to determine the cause of
accidents. I mean, while I am no fan of our current president, I sympathize that
sometimes reportage gets ahead of the truth – or at least the truth as I want
it to be known.
Again, however, I am afraid I am ahead of myself. Before I give
you the detailed explanation of what happened and why, I need to discuss some
other aspects of our trip.
After Elizabeth City
In our last entry we left you after touring Elizabeth City,
the “Harbor of Hospitality”. After Elizabeth City we decided to go to Manteo,
NC on Roanoke Island. To get there, we had to traverse the eastern half of Albemarle
Sound. Although the afternoon part of the journey was okay, I must admit that
the beginning was a little rolly. Everyone did okay, though, and we got to Roanoke
Island without any real problems. Maneuvering through Shallowbag Bay, which is
the area just in front of Manteo, however, was bit tricky as it is getting
increasingly shoal every year. Nevertheless, we got into the marina with very
little difficulty.
There seem to be two geographical areas of tourism on
Roanoke Island, one in the north near the original fort, and the other in the
center near the town of Manteo. The problem is that these two areas are 5-6
miles apart. That’s not a problem if you have a car, but on foot 5-6 miles is
quite a walk. Needless to say we didn’t make it to the northern area of the
island, and stayed near the town.
For those of you not as steeped in North Carolina history as
I am (after all, I attended 6th and half of 7th grade in Fayetteville),
Roanoke Island is the site of the first English colony in America, before
Plymouth and before Jamestown. It is the location of the famed “Lost Colony”
and is the birthplace of the first child of English descent born in America,
Virginia Dare. Or, to be more verbose, as Wikipedia does
Island was the site of the Roanoke Colony an English settlement initially established in 1585 by Sir Walter Raleigh group of about 120 men, women and children arrived in 1587. Shortly after
arriving in this New World, colonist Eleanor Dare, daughter of Governor John White gave birth to Virginia Dare She was the first English child born in North America. Governor White returned
to England later that year for supplies. Due to impending war with Spain, White
was unable to return to Roanoke Island until 1590. When he arrived, the colony
had vanished. The fate of those first colonists remains a mystery to this day
and is one of America's most intriguing unsolved mysteries. Archaeologists,
and other researchers continue to work to resolve the mystery.
While in Manteo we did some shopping and had good dinner at Avenue
Waterfront Grille and also to the Manteo Island Festival Park. There, they had
a few interesting Native American exhibits, a couple of costumed English
tradesmen plying their trades and a replica of the Elizabeth II, the ship that
carried the colonists to the New World. We spent most of our time on the
Elizabeth II. It was a 69’ vessel that carried 50 colonists plus their
provisions across the ocean – a journey that took three months. As a matter of
comparison, Traveling Soul is a 52’
vessel carrying four people right now down the Intracoastal Waterway. Just sayin’ …
After Manteo we anchored at the end of the Alligator-Pungo Canal.
There is an anchorage there at the mouth of the Pungo River that is one of my
favorite anchorages on the Waterway. It has great holding and provides some
protection from the east and the north. One reason I like the anchorage so much
is that if there is serious weather, you can go further up the river and get
protection from all sides.
We weighed anchor and proceeded to Beaufort, NC. Between us and
Beaufort, however, was a large chunk of Pamlico Sound and the Neuse River. Was
it rolly? Was it bumpy? Well, you will have to ask Dave or Joan because Ann and
I thought it was just one of those things. Even Spot decided that hiding under
a blanket was sufficient, rather than hiding under the table like she does with
serious wind and waves. Besides it didn’t last for more than an hour or two,
then we turned so the seas were pushing us forward, i.e. we had following seas.
After the unfortunate grounding incident – about which I will say more
later – we arrived in Beaufort, NC. Beaufort NC is pronounced BOW-fort, in contrast to Beaufort, SC which is pronounced BYOU-fort. While
in Beaufort we had two lunches out. One of the places was recommended by the
dockmaster, it was called the Black Sheep and had a nice beet salad (at least
that is what Ann told me, I personally, hate beets) , and some of the best thin
crust pizza I have had in a long time (to that I can personally attest because
I LOVE pizza). The other, which shall remain nameless (only because I can’t
remember the name) was, at best so-so.
We also did a lot of browsing in the shops – with one exception.
Ann, as many of you know is an accomplished chef who loves her olive oil. There
is an olive oil store in Beaufort that we had to visit two or three times to
get the correct oils and the proper containers for her to cook such wonderful
A shot of the Olive Oil Store In Beaufort |
Okay, now I will explain that for which most of you have been
waiting. It is true that we went aground just outside the ICW on the way to our
marina in Beaufort. For those of you who don’t know, in boating it is said there
are two kinds of boaters: those who have been aground and liars. At least I am
not a liar. How bad was it? Well, while this certainly isn’t the first time we
have bumped the bottom or even stalled on the ground, it the first time in nearly
20 years of boating that have I called TowboatUS, so that means we paid $2800
for this tow. And do you know what? The membership is worth every penny. The TowboatUS
Captain was young but very professional. He knew what he was doing.
Now my crack “Grounding Investigator” (moi) has analyzed several
different possibilities for this grounding.
On this voyage, Dave and Joan are acting as
additional crew for Traveling Soul.
They are fairly green and had never been aboard a grounded vessel, at least not
a grounded Traveling Soul. If I need
to, I will swear that I was simply trying to train the crew in the proper
processes and procedures when grounded. That would mean that this was no
accident; it was a well planned and executed training event. The fact that
everyone thought it was real is testament to how well it was planned and
While he has been a member of BoatUS for 20
years or so and had never used the membership. He just wanted to see if
everything would work as advertised. It did.
The markers in this area are so screwed up and
difficult to interpret that it is amazing more people don’t run aground. My
award should read that “at great personal risk and with extraordinary courage he
determined to challenge the authorities and show them how much dredging is
needed.” Rather than be shunned, I should be awarded the Cruiser’s Cross (or
some other appropriate award) so the authorities will do something about the
Or perhaps my favorite … Did you know Blackbeard
grounded his ship Queen Anne’s Revenge
just outside the Beaufort Inlet (it was just discovered in 1996)? I was just
trying to get the full “pirate experience” by grounding Traveling Soul.
Since I have eliminated explanation 5, you can see my crack
investigator (moi) determined that notwithstanding anything you may see on
Facebook, I WAS
NOT AT FAULT. And that is all I am going to say about that.
Continuing the Story
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One of the excellent displays at the Maritime Museum
of North Carolina in Southport, NC
Okay, with that out of my system, I can tell you that we spent a
day touring the lovely and historic city of Southport, NC. I had heard about
the North Carolina Maritime Museum of Southport and had long wanted to check it
out. It wasn’t very big and didn’t have as many artifacts as I would have
liked, but it told the maritime story of Southport fairly well … at least through
the Civil War. Then it kind of petered out. It seemed to say, “and in the 20th
Century there were a couple of more wars. The End.” I guess any museum has to
choose its focus and theirs was clearly the pre-revolutionary, revolutionary
and Civil War maritime histories of Southport.
We also visited Fort Johnson and the Visitors Center which are one
in the same. There, there was very little discussion of Fort Johnson and a lot
of pictures of Southport through the ages. We checked out a few stores, then
headed back to the boat. Later that evening, we had our friend Jim Treadwell
over and all went out to dinner. Jim had been an underclassman in my company at
West Point and later became my company executive officer in the 82nd
Airborne Division. Ann had remembered that last time we came through Southport
and met Jim and his wife Bess,we had gone to dinner at a place called “Fishy,
Fishy Cafe.” Actually, what she remembered was their “Shrimp Wrapped in Bacon
with Maple Glaze.” It was scrumptious a year ago and was scrumptious this year.
Speaking of scrumptious, one of our new crewmembers, Dave Wolf, has asked to
discuss scrumptiousity and our Chief Chef, Ann.
Thanks, Mike…Mike has often blogged about the great food on Traveling Soul. I thought I would take a minute and review
what we’ve dined on so far on our trip. Here
is a summary of the menu we have enjoyed since we left Maryland:
16 October:
Chicken and Carrots (another boat tradition);· 17 October: Ribs cooked on the grill with cole slaw and beans; Mike cooked half way on the grill
· 18 October: Pork Chops stuffed with spinach and goat cheese (unbelievable);
· 19 October: we dined out at Amber Lantern;
· 20 October: Roasted chicken thighs with vegetables;
· 21 October: Beef Stroganoff;
· 22 October: Shrimp Bisque (this was a cool evening and begged for a great soup!);
· 23 October: Spaghetti Bolognese with Italian sausages;
· 25 October: Ribeye Steak on the grill with baked potato and salad; Mike grilled out
· 26 October: Cornish Game Hens with stuffing and a side of roasted zucchini and squash;
· 27 October: Rack of Lamb! See photo…
· 28 October: Shrimp ala “Homer Smith” and cole slaw (fresh shrimp right off the boat);
o Mike’s note: Homer Smith’s is the name of the marina were we stayed AND the co-located Shrimp processing plant. We not only get the shrimp fresh, but at wholesale prices!
· 29 October: Chicken Enchiladas ala Joan Wolf
· 30 October: Ribeye Steak on the grill with tater tots (we are in the South);Mike grilled out
31 October: Shrimp Quiche (More of Homer Smith's shrimp!)
I think the above list gives you some idea of how well we eat on Traveling Soul.
One small portion of the hurricane damage we saw. |
If I may delve into one more topic: hurricane damage. As we cruised past Elizabeth City and went
deeper into North Carolina, we saw more and more examples of hurricane damage
from Hurricane Florence. As you might
recall, Florence came ashore as a huge hurricane between North and South
Carolina, then stalled, dumping many hundreds of inches of water on both the
coastal and inland portions of this area.
It was followed up by the remnants of Hurricane Michael. As we cruised down the ICW, it was amazing to
see that some places were severely hit, while the house next door appeared to
be untouched. This view does not
account, of course, for repairs that have already been made, but damage was
pretty extensive in coastal North Carolina.
It will be interesting to see what South Carolina has suffered in terms
of hurricane damage.
Ann’s Notes: geez…Now I
need to follow up after all the reading you have done already. I will try to
make it semi-short.
We have had a good cruise so far, granted it has been on the
cooler side of sunny at times. I can tell we are in the Carolinas by the amount
of dark, sticky, smelly mud that is clinging onto every single link of our
anchor chain. Hosing it off before it goes into our anchor locker can take an
extra ten to fifteen minutes in the morning. You may be thinking…ok…no big deal
… but when Captain Michael says… anchor up and underway by 7 or 7:30 …he means
to keep that schedule. On my end, I just adjust the alarm clock to take into account
all the other morning routines I do… get dressed, put in my left contact lens (
I only wear one -- mono vision works for me), put sun screen on, make the bed.
Than the galley routine starts pour the coffee, have a little something for
breakfast, listen to the weather report. Then it is time to go to the bow of
the boat, take out and turn on the wash down hose, take a deep breath, put my
foot on the windlass bottom and start to messy ordeal of cleaning the anchor
chain, link by link. So… taking up 100 or 120 feet of chain, mostly covered in
yucky mud can take a few minutes out of your morning. Michael and I have the
routine down well and Big Bertha has held us faithfully, so she deserves my TLC
Now…about the grounding and Facebook… if you are stuck, have good
WiFi, time to kill while waiting for BoatUS to arrive and have loyal, concerned
friends that follow you…be honest…what
would you do? You already know my answer… POST … day, time and Location… Just
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Spot, waiting for dolphins to appear |
Thanks for following us…Blessings
Spot is well and enjoying her bird watching, dolphin watching
Traveling Soul…OUT
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