We know we want to spend Thanksgiving in St. Augustine, so while
in Southport, we added up the number of days left until Thanksgiving, and
compared that to the number of days it will take us to complete our cruise to
St. Augustine plus the number of days we intend to spend in port sightseeing.
We found a disconnect. It seemed as if we would have to drop some of our
planned stops. Hmmm. Well, we certainly couldn’t delete Beaufort, SC – we have
friends there and a couple of museums we want to see. We couldn’t leave
Savannah off the list, as we wanted to take Dave and Joan around the city on
the Tour-mobiles and we wanted to eat at Paula Deen’s restaurant. We certainly
could not forget Jekyll or Cumberland Islands as these are two of our favorite
stops on the Waterway. So, it was goodbye Georgetown, Fort McAlister, Darien,
maybe even Ft. George, and everyplace else we had thought about stopping. Maybe
next time.
Even by leaving these wonderful sites off our agenda, we
were going to have to put the pedal to the metal and crank through some miles. We
decide to push hard for three days straight, putting about 60 miles behind us
every day and to anchor each night. That would put us about 180+ miles closer
to our destination, which would catch us up and maybe put us ahead of schedule by
a day or two. And we were off.
We had to time our departure from Southport with the tides because
we were heading for
North Carolina’s infamous inlets (said in a
sinister voice), especially Lockwood’s Folly (so named
because a man named Lockwood built a boat at his house, then, when he was
finished found that he had made the draft so deep he couldn’t get it out to the
ocean, and Shallote’s Inlet. These inlets are notorious for shoaling up
and causing cruisers fits. We left around d 0900 and got there about half way
through the rising tide cycle – which is exactly what we wanted to do. We had
no problems.
The weather the first day was kind of strange. There was a
little bit of sun, a little bit of rain and a whole lot of humidity. Well, it
could have been worse, I guess; it could have been snowing (which it soon would
be in Maryland and Virginia). That night we anchored just south of Myrtle
Beach, SC at what I call the Enterprise Landing Anchorage, which is really an
oxbow off the Waccamaw River. We had anchored there before and had not had any
problems. This time, however, there was a boat that arrived in the anchorage
before we did and got the best spot. We went for what looked like the second
best spot and had trouble finding a place that would hold the anchor. In fact
we tried three more times before we found a location that had decent holding. Eventually,
though, the anchor held when I backed down on it, and we spent a quiet night in
the cedar swamps of South Carolina.
The second day was really warm and it was actually T-shirt
weather. The cruise itself was nice and easy though, I must admit that it was a
little long. That night we spent in Awendaw Creek, just south of that booming
metropolis of McClelanville, SC. McClelanville’s claim to fame is … well …
nothing. That’s why we didn’t stay. When we arrived at the anchorage, earlier
than planned, there were already two boats there. One, a big 53’ Hatteras, was
way over on the southern bank of the creek and appeared to be in the process of
being towed by TowboatUS. According to his buddy who was waiting for him in the
second boat, the Hatteras’ anchor had dragged the previous night and he had
ended up aground in the marsh. TowboatUS had to wait until the tide was high
enough to pull him off the bank. We let out a lot of chain that night and I
made sure our anchor was secure before we went to bed. I also took my anchor
alarm to bed with me and checked it several times during the night. In the
event, we had to work the next morning to get the anchor unstuck from the mud.
We weren’t going to drag anywhere.
The third night we anchored in Toogoodoo Creek. Many of you
may remember the reason I like Toogoodoo so much – because it is so much fun to
both say and write. Toogoodoo turned out to be dolphin central as there were at
least fifteen or twenty of them in the area just swimming and leaping and
having a good ol’ time. On the downside, there was nice weather during day, but
that night the spigots opened up and we had some serious rain. In fact, the
weather that evening and most of the following day was generally yucky. I know,
I know, I promised not to use technical terms. “Yucky” is a term we mariners
use to refer to weather that is the opposite of “non-yucky.”
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Ann, Dave and Joan -- and if you look closely, you will see
Spot -- in one of the gre4at pix taken by Kyle and Kathy as
we passed their dock in Beaufort, SC.
We met Tom and Christina for lunch at Luther’s. Many of you know my opinion of dockside bars and restaurants. In any restaurant, Brown’s Law goes, you want three things: good food, quality service and an outstanding view. For dockside restaurants, you can, at best, pick two out of three. At Luther’s the food was really pretty good, the view was excellent, but the service was extraordinarily slow. It worked out pretty well, though, as we got to spend a lot of time with Tom and Christina and did some good catching up. Since Mark and Becky were at the same marina we were, we asked them over to our boat for drinks. We learned they were in the process of selling their boat and moving onto the land. Kyle and Kathy asked us to their beautiful new house in Beaufort for dinner. We ate, drank and generally had a great time. Kyle and Kathy also took a picture of Traveling Soul as we passed their house on the way further south.
Besides visiting
friends, we also wanted to visit a couple of museums in Beaufort. My personal
favorite was the St. Elena Museum. Those of you who believe Jamestown was the
first settlement in America are, of course, mistaken. Not only is St. Augustine
the oldest continuously-occupied settlement in America, but St. Elena – though
not continuously-occupied – is actually the second oldest settlement as it was
occupied in 1566. Shortly thereafter it was declared the capital of all of
Spanish Florida (which consisted, according to Madrid, of all of present-day
Florida and substantial portions of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama,
Mississippi and southeastern Louisiana. The Spanish eventually gave up on St.
Elena and abandoned the area for St. Augustine in 1587. St. Elena was later
colonized by the French, the Spanish again, then finally the English who
occupied it until the American Revolution. The story of St. Elena is
the story of the interaction among the French, the Spanish and the English in
sixteenth century America.
One of the batteries at Fort Fremont |
We also visited Fort Fremont, a coastal artillery fortification
designed and built from 1898 – 1900 to protect Port Royal from foreign attack.
I guess we were worried about the Spanish since we had just defeated them in
the Spanish-American War and there were really no other potential opponents on
the horizon. The complex at Fort Fremont consisted
of four gun batteries, one 4.7” rapid fire battery and three batteries
of 10” disappearing guns. The fort was originally on
170 acres of land with numerous outbuildings, including an Administration
building, guard house, barracks, hospital, stable, mess hall, bakery,
commissary, post exchange, lavatory, and water tower. Of these, only the
emplacements for the gun batteries remain. All the other structures were made of wood and
were demolished before 1989. What is left of the gun batteries is
massive hunks of concrete. I mean massive (see the pictures). Today it is a
state park on 15 acres.
In addition, we went on a carriage tour of Beaufort.
Although the tour was interesting, I think the most important thing we learned
was not always to believe tour guides. Ours was very good, though she was not
completely, entirely, totally accurate on a few points. She did, however, point
out that Beaufort was the second oldest city in South Carolina (after
Charleston) and that there had been a number of films shot there. There was: The Great Santini (1979),
The Big Chill (1983), The Prince of Tides (1991), Daughters of the Dust (1992),
A Perfect World (1993), Forrest Gump (1994), The War (1994), The Jungle Book
(1994), Chasers (1994), Something to Talk About (1995), White Squall (1996),
Last Dance (1996), Gone Fishin’ (1997), G.I. Jane (1997), Animals (1997),
Forces of Nature (1998), Rules of Engagement (2000), Legend of Bagger Vance
Our transportation on the Beaufort Carriage Tour.
His name is Phillipe
fact, Tom Hanks liked the city do much he later vacationed there. There is
another story that is told about Barbara Streisand. When filming Prince of
Tides, she was upset that the Marine aircraft were flying during the day and
disrupting her filming. She called the Base Commander and demanded that he
restrict flying during certain hours. He promised to see what he could do. The
next morning three FA-18’s (very loud aircraft) turned on their afterburners
over the city at 0300. Although the Commander later published a full paid ad in
the newspaper apologizing to the locals for the stunt, when Ms. Streisand
called, he reminded her about the “sounds of freedom.” Ms. Streisand hasn’t been back. Anyhow that’s
the tour guide’s story and she is sticking to it.
Mike, Ann, Dave and Joan at Paula Deen's Restaurant
in Savannah
lunch we stopped at the Webb Military museum. It is the personal collection of
… well, a certain Mr. Webb. He has collected military uniforms and
paraphernalia from nearly all the nation’s wars. He even had a jungle fatigue
jacket worn by General Westmoreland and two shirts worn by Bob Hope during his
Vietnam tours. There was also a MiG 21 cockpit. Thanks to our friends Frank and
Sue for recommending the museum.
Notes: My portion of the blog will be quick, Michael wants to send this out
tonight. Our adventures with Dave and Joan aboard have been fun they have seen some locations and had some
experiences that not everyone gets to experience – even if we had to skip a few
of our favorites.
am going to call this portion of the blog “Dialing For Turkey Thighs” Let me
give you a few facts… (I’ll refer to these later)
Population of Lady’s Island SC is 12,570
Population of Beaufort SC is 13,729
Population of Bluffton SC is 21,085
Y’all ( please note, I do speak Suth’n) …Those of
you who know me well know that I am a planner, it makes me happy and living
that way is easy for me. So … most of y’all also know we have a big holiday
coming up—one that involves turkey. We will be on a mooring ball at that time
in St. Augustine FL with our stove running the generator. Add all those facts
together and to me it equals quite a bit of pre-planning to serve a traditional
Thanksgiving dinner. Should be easy Right? Not so fast.
The screwdriver may be tough top see, but believe me it is there. |
in Beaufort we stayed in a marina that had a courtesy car because I planned it
that way… I needed a courtesy car to get to the grocery store. Well…the “courtesy
car” looks like a car but it came with a set of unusual driving instructions. Our
first clue was that it had a Bahamian license plate in the front – those of you
who know the Bahamas are beginning to get the picture. The first instruction was to make sure you
leave the screw driver in the gearshift . You see, although the car sounded like
a modern jet plane, like a jet plane taking off as a matter of fact), the screwdriver
kept the gearshift in place. Ok, we manage to get the car to the local Publix
grocery store on Lady’s Island. All I want is four good size turkey thighs to
cook. We went to the turkey meat section and they only had one package with two
thighs in it. I talked to the meat manager thinking they surely had more in the
back. Wrong…he told me a gentleman had come in the day before and bought two
cases of thighs, so all they had was what was on the shelf. Well, they have a
Walmart, down the road and certainly Walmart will have thighs. We get into the “sort
of car,” drive to Walmart, and NO
try Food Lion, back into the clown car, NO Thighs…good heaven there is not …ok…only
two turkey thighs to be found on Lady’s Island. Please Note the population
the phone calls start, I called the local meat market, no thighs.
a Publix in northern Beaufort, no thighs…please note the population..
the Publix in Bluffton, twenty miles away, talked to Hector in the meat
department, he is holding four thighs for me. The marina clown car cannot make
that trip. Thank the heavens for our friends Mark and Becky. She has a car that
looks like a car, drives like a car and does not need a screwdriver in any way
shape or form. Michael and Joan drove to the store, I was DONE with the turkey
thigh search. My conclusion … only towns with large populations have turkey
thighs available for pre-planners, like me.
when Dave, Joan, Michael and I set down for dinner on Thanksgiving, while
floating in our boat, on a mooring ball, in St. Augustine FL…we will give
thanks to Mark and Becky for providing the transportation to get those thighs.
And for moi and all the pre-planning that went into the meal.
one more funny thing I found on Facebook that has to do with speaking Southern.
southern definition of Namaste:
southern asking another…
is a hurricane coming…are you going to evacuate?”
friend’s response? … Namaste here
here. Ok, I know it’s bad when you have to explain a joke, but for those of you
who don’t understand southern, that translates to: “Nah, I’m ‘a’ stay.”
Soul …OUT
Glad we got to say hello on VHF. We’ll have to check out the St Elena museum on our next visit to Beaufort. Happy Thanksgiving!