We should have known something was amiss when we saw the
name of the place – the Two-Way Fish Camp.
I don’t know about you, but I have never seen fish going two ways at
once, nor have I seen a One-Way Fish Camp. Why you would name something “two-way”
fish camp I could not understand. But we were there neither for the “cool” name
of the place, nor for the banjo music. We were there because of the price of the fuel. We needed about 300
gallons. In the past we had gone to the nearby Brunswick Landing Marina because
they had excellent fuel prices. This year, though, they were charging
$3.309/gallon. Two-Way Fish Camp, was charging only $2.69. That is about 60
cents difference; times 300 gallons is 180 bucks.
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This is a cast iron Cajun Classic purchased at that gourmet shop
at Two-Way Fish Camp
From the moment we got there we could see it was going to be
an experience. We had to find the fuel dock, then kind of slide the boat in
sideways. It was then that the real fun began.
We started pumping fuel, then the automatic shut-off would engage and we
would have to start again. Again. And Again. It was then that the dock hand wandered
over and told us that we would have to use the slowest setting on the nozzle.
Dave stood at the pump, which was about 200’ away, and would call out every 25
gallons. Eventually Ann joined him because she didn’t have anything else to do.
She measured the flow and we found we were pumping 25 gallons every 9 ½
minutes. Remember we needed 300 gallons. It took 114 minutes, or nearly 2
hours, to pump the (&^$# fuel. During that time, Ann and Joan had an
opportunity to visit the gift shop twice (actually, the gift shop was surprisingly
well-stocked and … well, I’ll let Ann tell you about her major find).
Eventually we did get all the fuel in the tanks and were
able to pay and depart.
Again, however, I got ahead of myself. Before the Two-Way
Fish Camp adventure, we anchored for one night at New Teakettle Creek. The
Creek is just about an hour or so from the Little Mud River and has nothing to
do with teakettles. If the timing works, I like anchoring there, so we can
control exactly when we reach the Little Mud – as far as I am concerned the
scariest part of the ICW. I think we were at Higher, High water when we
traveled the creek this year and saw nothing less than about 8’. It was after
the Little Mud River that we took the Two-Way Fish Camp exit.
After fueling we finished the day’s trip by docking at
Jekyll Island. Jekyll is one of our favorite spots on the Waterway. There is
only one problem with Jekyll in November. It can be chilly cold. The day
we arrived it was actually pretty nice, so we figured we had shown up at just
the right time. The second day it was a bit colder, the third day it was
downright cold and the day we left it was almost freezing (literally) However,
we did bring sweatshirts, jackets, earmuffs (Ann), and other cold weather paraphernalia
so we were prepared.
One of the "Cottages" at Jekyll. |
In the time we were there, we bicycled a LOT, toured the historic
district, and visited two of the “cottages.” (Interestingly, because members
were expected to dine together in the main Dining Room, there were neither
kitchens nor dining rooms in the cottages). We also visited the sea turtle
hospital, did some shopping (both at the grocery store and the little “mall”
they have on the island, found a Starbucks, walked on the beach, and ate at one
of the fancier places on the island.
The Dinghy
From Jekyll the plan
was to go to Cumberland Island. Although there are some homes on the island,
most of the Island is a natural habitat for all kinds of animals and several
kinds of plants. With that, a little history, several great beaches, a very
nice anchorage, and a whole lot of peace and quiet, Cumberland is another one
of our favorite spots on the Waterway.
As I said, that was the plan. We had known the outboard wasn’t
operating perfectly, but before we left, I took the dinghy into the water,
started it up several times, and putted around a little. Although it ran kind
of roughly, everything worked. In Cumberland, the outboard didn’t even start
up. I worked on it for about an hour trying to figure out what was wrong. I knew
it was the fuel system, and was afraid it was the carburetor – the one thing I
won’t dare to try and fix. As we later learned 90% of all outboard failures are
carburetor problems. So, it looked like we would not be able to see anything at
Cumberland. We had kind of planned on visiting the Kingsley Plantation next, but
you also need a dinghy for that, so we missed Kingsley too. Although we could
manage St. Augustine without a dinghy, it would be much better with one. So, we
had to get the dinghy fixed. And thus our saga beganb.
Statistically, I’ll bet that as many boats break on Mondays as on
Thursdays. It ought to be somewhere around 1/7 of all breaks, right? Not in our
universe. Our boats usually break late on Thursday. We then get to a marina the
following day and generally make a BUNCH of phone calls (most of which will not
be neither answered nor returned – it is, after all late on Friday afternoon;
in this case the Friday afternoon before Thanksgiving week.) Then we worry over
the weekend whether we will be able to fond someone and start calling again on
Monday morning hoping against hope that someone will be available to fix your
boat in the next day or two. On Friday
afternoon, Ann made about four phone calls, but no one was around. On Monday morning, she made another seven to various repair facilities and mechanics. A couple of
people answered, but, as one lady responded, “It was pretty slow until a week
ago. Now we are full and can’t get to you for another week.” Gee, thanks. Of those
who did answered or call back, we got basically the same response. We were in
the process of coming up with Plan Q when we got a return call from Jim.
Now Jim was a bit of a bombast. He told us when he arrived, “THAT
JUNK. ABSOLUTE JUNK.” When I asked him where we could get a new one that would
be better, he ‘lowed as how no one but West Marine made them anymore, so he
would just have to tell us how to treat our “PIECE OF JUNK.” Whereupon he gave
us his take on fuel tank management.
Keep the fuel tank covered· Always loosen the cap when you are using it
· Put on a fuel-water separator
· Crank up the outboard frequently
Now, I know some of you have been using outboards and dinghies for
a long time and wonder why Jim has these rules. To be honest, I don’t know.
However, we asked him to make a fuel-water separator, we made our own cover and
we loosen the cap when we are using the dinghy.
At any rate, about 3 hours after his initial visit Jim was back
with all the pieces of the outboard that he had taken with him, put it all together
and … it worked like a charm. I tried it out again later that afternoon and one
more time the following day. It all seemed to work. But wait, there’s more. For
that, however, you are just going to have to wait while I write something that
reminds me why we actually like cruising.
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This Osprey spent over an hour enjoying his Fish-giving meal. |
This is the first time we have ever been in a slip within a marina
and been asked to move after we had maneuvered
into the slip, connected our water hoses and our electrical cables. Now you had
to have been there. Our assigned slip was alongside a long straight dock. When
we were initially maneuvering into our slip, the wind was blowing us off the
dock. I have mentioned many times before that when the wind catches our boat
from the side, we are as likely to go where the wind wants us to go as where
the captain wants us to go. Well, the wind was only blowing about 10-15 kts, so
it wasn’t terrible, but the dockhand helping us was a small, slim college kid
who really didn’t know how to put a 55,000 pound boat into a slip – even with a
captain as brilliant and as adept as me at the helm. It took about 30 minutes,
but we eventually got there. We connected all the hoses, lines and cables and Ann
started taking a shower. Then the kid comes up and says he put us in the wrong
slip and we needed to move back one. I pointed out that, no, we didn’t need to
move back one, He needed to move us back – and I would help. In the event, of
course, although he (and a buddy) did most of the heavy lifting, we moved under
the direction of Ann and me (with some help from Dave and Joan). Now Camachee Cove may be a fine marina, but it ain’t getting five stars from me.
Some of you know that Ann has turned into an “exercise walker.”
She takes 2-4 mile walks whenever she can. At Camachee Cove that was helpful
(since we didn’t borrow the courtesy car), as the Publix Grocery Store was about
a mile-and-a-half or so away. She made at least two round trips to Publix and
one, one-way trip (she ubered back with a cart full of groceries) to get the rest
of the provisions we needed for Thanksgiving. While at the marina, we also
ubered to the historical district for lunch at our favorite British Pub in the
US – The Prince of Wales. There, they serve the best Fish and Chips I have ever
had. Both Ann and I had been touting the place to Dave and Joan and we had made
this trip specifically so we could have those luscious fish and chips. We
arrived and … you guessed it ... the place was closed. That was okay, there is
another restaurant nearby that we like, the Floridian. It was closed, too.
Damn! What’s going on here? Eventually, we found a different British Pub and their
fare was almost as good. Almost.
Usually I would stop here and wait to continue the blog when we
arrived at the Saint Augustine mooring field. However, in the interests of
continuing the saga of the dinghy, I must include one more section. Okay, we
had placed a cover over the dinghy, had Jim put in a fuel-water separator and opened
the gas cap. We had run the dinghy a few times between the boat and the dinghy
dock and everything had worked out well. Then, after making a run to Starbucks
(not ‘til next time will I discuss the Starbucks adventure), we got in the
dinghy, started it and it promptly died. Another couple of tries and we saw
that it was leaking gas – pretty badly. We identified the general area where
the leak was, but of course we had no tools. I asked Ann to go to the dockmaster’s
office and ask for a screwdriver and a pair of pliers.
Now, all the time Ann was gone I was cursing Jim, the man who the
day before was our dinghy’s savior. Today, he was Satan incarnate, a saboteur
who couldn’t even connect two hoses to one another. Damn Jim, your connection was
JUNK, just JUNK (sorry, but I had to say it). At least that was what I was
thinking. Meanwhile, Ann found a very nice French Canadian sailboater named Jacques.
Jacques not only lent us all the tools
we needed, but he helped fix the leak. I’m afraid I have to take back everything
… well … almost everything … well … some of what I have said about the
pending Canadian invasion of the Bahamas.
Next time we will write more about Thanksgiving and Saint
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Mike, laying down, Dave, in the dinghy, Joan, supervising
and Jacques helping get the dinghy back in
running condition.
There must be something about off-the-ICW marinas and the state of
Georgia. In our first year of cruising we stumbled into Kilkenny Marina, you
can go back to the first year of the blog and read all about that experience. Cue
the banjo music and the one item they had in abundance in the marina store was
a barrel full of fly swatters. Anyway, we got to experience another
off-the-ICW-marinas, the name is Two Way Fish Camp, I know the name should have
been our first clue. The fuel was cheaper than the usual stop in Brunswick, however
we almost spent a good part of the morning just fueling. The marina office was
a little general store, it had your regular, old alligator head bookends (no
library is complete without those). There was local honey, pickled eggs and all
sorts of vegetables that were pickled, okra, corn, beets … you get the picture.
Believe me, I had PLENTY of time to shop, those pumps were so SLOW. I did find
a treasure, among all those pickled items, though. It is the cutest “Cajun
Classic,” it says so right on the lid. That little pot in a gourmet kitchen
store would be around $75 to $100, I got it for $29.99. I love cooking in cast
iron, I can use my induction cooktop , as a matter of fact, I used the little
red pot that night and made a bona fide French casoulet .
As most of you know, I am the telephone person, both on land and
water. I handle everything from doctors appointments to marina repairs. When
our dinghy engine would not start, yes, we did our best to repair it ourselves .If
you have never seen the tiny engine
parts inside a four stroke outboard motor and how easily those parts can be
dropped , you will understand why we called for a mechanic. Of course most of
our boat break downs happen on a Thursday or Friday, now add the Thanksgiving holiday
to the mix and I really did spend several hours on the phone over a two day
period. I have the ability to be just as pleasant for the first and the tenth
call. My mom always said you would catch more flies with honey, than vinegar. To
make a long story short, we moved to a closer marina to St. Augustine ,
thinking there would be a better chance and more repair people. We did find
one, it took about ten phone calls. We now have a dinghy motor that runs, a new
water fuel separator, we have the fuel tank covered with a canvas bag.
All is well on Traveling Soul…OUT
fish and chips in st. augustine: barley republic! https://www.barleyrepublic.com/